Women in the Workplace 2021
Report produced by: McKinsey & Company and Lean In
Read About ItReport produced by: McKinsey & Company and Lean In
Read About ItBy Robin Wigglesworth OCTOBER 6 2021
Read About ItThe Wall Street Journal By: Kathryn Dill and Patrick Thomas Oct. 6, 2021 5:30 am ET Career coaches say these interviewing and résumé tips can help you stand out and land a new role There are more than 10 million job openings in the U.S., so why do so many job seekers remain frustrated by hiring managers who ignore them and online application portals that delete them? There are a lot of jobs out there, but a lot of rejection, too. It’s easier than ever to apply for roles, so companies are swamped, leaving applicants—even ones who have been courted by recruiters—either facing a void or never hearing back again.
Read About ItBy Stephanie Vozza, Fast Company It’s obvious that some employees perform at higher levels than others—but why? David Maxfield, vice president of research for the leadership-training firm VitalSmarts, studied 1,594 managers and employees and found that high performers have adopted smart habits, one of which is an important ritual for getting more done: a weekly review. “They keep a sacred, non-negotiable meeting with themselves every week to re-sync, get current, and align their daily work and projects with their priorities,” Maxfield says. This step is very different than how the average person runs their week, says Maxfield. “It’s very easy to plan life from the
Read About ItJoshua Franklin in New York and Laurence Fletcher in London SEPTEMBER 8 2021
Read About ItBy Charlie Wazel In all of my reporting on the future of work, one of the most interesting and potentially profound trends is the growing skepticism around ‘careers.’ ‘Careerist’ has long been a dirty word in the working world — usually it’s meant to signify a cynical, ladder climbing mentality. A careerist isn’t a team player. They care more about the job title and advancement than the work. The current brand of career skepticism I’m talking about is different, more absolute. It’s not a rejection of how somebody navigates the game, it’s a rejection of the game itself. The idea isn’t
Read About ItBy Alexendra Semenova August 25, 2021 Hiring for marketing roles at hedge funds is at an all-time high, after the industry adjusted to remote work and virtual recruitment – and posted a strong 2020 performance year. But managers still are vying for diverse talent to fill sales, marketing and other front-facing roles as demand in the space booms. “One of the things we are seeing now is the play for more diverse individuals on each platform to represent a firm from a front-office perspective,” said Sasha Jensen, founder and CEO at alts recruiter Jensen Partners. The hedge fund universe is catching up to other private market managers in
Read About ItBy: Amy Gallo
Read About ItBy Carmen Germaine July 12, 2021
Read About ItSegment 1: How Hybrid Work Environments Effect Communication This is the first video in our three-part interview series about hybrid work environments. During Melissa Norris’s 16-minute interview with Michael Hoeppner, Communications expert and CEO of GK Training, they discuss ways in which we can improve our communication skills in a hybrid work environment. [video width="640" height="360" mp4="https://jamesbeck.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/segment_1__hi_hybrid_what_hybrid_work_environments_might_do_to_our_communication-360p.mp4" poster="https://jamesbeck.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Jamesbeck_Articles-8.jpg"][/video] We ask Michael questions like: When it comes to spoken communication, was there anything that actually improved during the pandemic? There is a great deal of stress around returning back to the office. How do you recommend approaching it? What is proximity bias and is
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